Möchte man pures, kristallklares Wasser von hoher Qualität, gibt es verschiedene Systeme. Welches System am geeignetsten ist, kommt auf den gewünschten Grad der Filterung an.
Decalcification Systems
A decalcification system filters limescale out of the water. The normal domestic water flows through the ion exchanger integrated in the decalcification system. The ion exchanger binds the limescale. The decalcified water then continues to flow through the water pipes in the usual way. The bound limescale is automatically rinsed out of the ion exchanger.
Our decalcification systems are top quality and highly efficient.

Osmosis System
Drinking water from the tap – Osmosis systems remove contaminants such as small particles, excess minerals, toxic substances or microorganisms by filtering the water. The result: pure water, crystal clear and very high quality.
Our osmosis systems are very cost-effective, efficient and space-saving.
In areas where the water is very calcareous, we recommend to install a decalcification system prior to the osmosis system in order to guarantee the quality of the water and the functionality of the osmosis system.

Activated Carbon Filter
A bad taste or smell of water from the tap is often caused by certain particles (organic products, dissolved gases, chlorine…). With an activated carbon filter, these particles can be filtered out.
The activated carbon filter uses granulate made of activated carbon to ensure that pollutants are filtered out of the water, thereby increasing the water quality from the tap. Usually, a fine filter is installed in addition to the active carbon filter.